Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ciao Milanese, chi sono voi?

Buon giorno, Milanese. Non ho parlato Italiano per molti anni, mi dispiace. Ho visto che hai visitato il blog molte volte. Come lei ha trovato che? Chi sono voi? Io sono curioso solamente. Ti commenti, per favore. Ciao.

(Hello person from Milan, who are you?
Good day, person from Milan. I haven't spoken Italian for many years, I apologize. I saw that you have visited the blog many times. How did you find it? Who are you? I'm just curious. Please comment. Goodbye.)


N&C said...

Hi! Your italian is not bad (How did you learn it?)

We're Nicola and Caterina, we had a baby just 15 days ago, Jacopo... we too have a (little) dog, Bea, and a (young) blog,

I was looking your blog because it's really funny, your child is nice and we're studying how our jacopo is going to be... (some suggestions? :-))

a kiss to Owen from Milan (and congratulation to the parents!)!

Nicola, Caterina, Jacopo e Bea

ps. I've found your blog looking on google for baby charlie brown (I was looking for a pic to do the same thing you did...)

Chris Van Ert said...

Thank you for replying, and congratulations on your baby! Thanks for the link to your blog (I posted a comment there). I studied Italian in college for 2 years, but it has been a long time since I have spoken or written it. I can read your blog for practice!

N&C said...

8 ore è un miraggio da queste parti!
Jacopo si è attestato ora su pause di 3/4 ore (non ci possiamo lamentare!)
Ma rimane un bimbo tranquillo e pacifico.
Come sta il vostro "dynamo-boy"?

8 hours is a dream here. Jacopo sleeps now 3/4 hours (we can't complain!).
But he's a quiet child.
How's your "dynamo-boy"?


Chris Van Ert said...

Il nostro figlio é sempre in movimento. Tutti dello tempo! Ma, come i tuoi bimbo, il nostro ometto é di solito molto bene e felice.

Mi piace leggere il tuo blog.

(Our boy is always in motion. All of the time! But, like your baby, our little man is usually very good and happy. I enjoy reading your blog.)