Saturday, May 31, 2008


Big day for the little guy.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Owen had a pretty good time with Grandma & Grandpa at the Como Conservatory. You can tell from the StrollerCam®.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Still just the two, but the others are threatening to come in any day now.

Not crawling quite yet

Not sure if he's going to crawl or walk first. He likes standing much more than being on hands and knees. But he's getting stronger.


Hanging out with Kathy, Jeannie, Jack and Molly.


Passed out after a big meal. Well, actually in the middle of a big meal.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hanging Out

Definitely becoming a pro at sitting up unsupported.


He's getting really good at grabbing on and pulling. He can sit himself up if he has something to grab. He can also grab my hair, my glasses, my face, a fistful of dog hair, etc...


A better shot of his two little chompers.

7 months old, part 2

No gorilla picture would be complete without trusty sidekick, Zoe.

7 Months Old

7 months old today. He got to go hiking with mom and Zoe at Afton State Park while I did a training ride at Afton Alps.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sunday at the park

Hanging out at the park last week while I was pre-riding the course for Sunday's race. Photos by Dana Schoppe.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Having a blast, as usual.